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моно ранга ПК в СПб в рамках двойного CACIB 30.06.13

Lest: Приглашаем всех желающих принять участие в монопородной выставке фокстерьеров ранга Победитель Клуба,которая пройдет в рамках международной выставки "Белые Ночи-1,2". Эксперт-Otto Krcal (Австрия), успешный заводчик и владелец скай-терьеров. Запись по ценам Кеннел Клубаclick here Запись у Cтоляровой Елены- (812) 557-64-68, 8-921-347-16-65, privetik2004@mail.ru Для иногородних возможна запись по гарантийному обязательству.

Ответов - 3

КРЕЙТ КРОСС: Otto Krcal – International Judge for all Terrier Breeds Curriculum Vitae I was born July 23rd, 1963 in Vienna, Austria Trained as a teacher for languages (English, French); gained a MSc degree in Human Resource and Organisational Development; today working as Communication Trainer My association with dogs goes back to my childhood, my father kept Standard Schnauzers, and Fox Terriers. I trained these dogs (Obedience) and trimmed and showed them with great success. I first met a Skye in 1977 and fell for the breed. From then to today I visited many shows in Europe and abroad to see dogs, especially Skyes, including Scandinavian countries, USA and the UK. I got my first own Skye in 1990, a second in 1991. My first own litter was born in May 1994, from which I kept a male, who was to become one of the most successful specimen of the breed. Till today 12 litters have been born in my kennel, and I kept the dogs and bitches, that I liked most. So far I have imported 5 Skyes (from Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia and Poland), 2 Dachshunds (from Finland and Russia) and 1 Standard Poodle (from Serbia), and have exported 12 Skyes of my own breeding to Top-kennels in countries like Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Sweden, Spain and Finland and 3 Dachshunds - 2 Dachshunds to leading kennels in Finland and one to UK. I have cooperated with many other acknowledged breeders in Europe in different ways I am keeping Skye Terriers, Smooth Standard Dachshunds and a Standard Poodle. I breed for quality, not for quantity, I do not breed commercially. I earn my living with my profession. My kennel has been awarded the Gold Medal of the Austrian Kennel Club (Vorbildliche Zuchtstдtte) “Skyeomania” Skyes have been shown in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, England, and Scotland. My own dogs are exclusively groomed and handled by myself. My Dachshunds have been shown in Austria, Germany, Croatia, Hungary and Poland and have won many honours. My latest big successes were World Junior Winner 2006 in extremely tough competition and Austrian Super Champion 2007 in FCI group 4. I am the first and (so far) only Austrian (all breeds), who has won BOB at Cruftґs and the first and only Austrian who has gained a UK Championship, apart from many other records, like Europe Winners, World Winners, Specialty Winners. I am a member of The Skye Terrier Club UK, The Skye Terrier Club of America, The Skye Terrier Club of Finland, The Terrier Club of Germany and the Terrier Club of Austria as well as The Dachshund Club of Austria, The Poodle Club of Austria and and the Standard Poodle Club of England. For many years I was a member of the board of the Austrian Terrier Club(ЦKfT) in different positions, and member of the editorial staff of “Unsere Hunde” – the magazine of the Austrian Kennel Club (ЦKV), and have published articles on many dog-related topics in Austrian, German, Finnish and American magazines. I obtained my judging license in 1997, and have judged national and international shows as well as Club Championship Shows and Breed Specialties in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Sweden and Finland. Upcoming engagements include Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden, and others. I am internationally licensed to judge ALL terrier breeds at Champion level. I can dictate and write reports in German, English and French.

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